Location | Plot 6, Southend (IPECO) |
Value Circa | £ 225,000 |
Duration | Contract started May 2023 and finished June-July 2023, 2 Month Duration |
Scope | Bulk Earthworks & Soil Stabilisation |
Description | Removal of existing site shrubs & trees, topsoil strip depth 200mm, excavate to reduce levels within cut profile, excavate to reduce levels within on site imported stockpile, excavate to reduce levels within attenuation tank, place imported fill material, fill to formation, modification of site won materials to achieve a 5% CBR & place imported geotextile material. SGE’s scope also included place only imported granular material & load only disposal off-site of all surplus topsoil materials. |
Key Matters | Inherit material suitability, surface water management, mass haul management, environmental issues, programme constraints, client critical path management. |
Reference | Available on request from Ross Heron; 07811 835858 |
Contact | Ross Heron, Commercial Manager; 07811 835858 |